Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Disappointed ...

... again.

Morning spent at the Blood Transfusion unit with the thalassemia patients. Check out KOB's blip.

Afternoon spent with my aunt helping her with some of her chores.

Evening spent with friends with lots of laughter, average food and lousy music. I will not be visiting this place again.

Sometime during the day, I got the news I was expecting ... negative! Shocked because I was quite sure of getting a positive reply. Disappointed for probably 30 minutes but then started thinking about the children suffering from thalassemia, their families and the 80 or so people killed in yesterday's attack and the turmoil their families must be in. All of a sudden, my set back started looking minuscule compared to all the suffering going on around me. I am not heartbroken as I thought I would be, infact quite the opposite.

Apologies for turning off the comments earlier than I had intended ... they will be back on soon ...

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