Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Is this an old peat store?

Today I attended one of the events in the Haydon Bridge John Martin Heritage Festival. It was an industrial archaeology day, looking at the remnants of the industrial heritage around Lambley, not far from Haydon Bridge where John Martin spent the first 17 years of his life. People are fascinated by his apocalyptic paintings and wonder if the sights of the heavy industry in the area influenced him.

The area is now all peaceful countryside and it is hard to imagine what it was like when there were coal and lead mines scattered all over. Our leader today, Robert Forsythe, is a great enthusiast, so we were all looking hard to see what we could of the old industries. At Sawmill Cottages, there was a lively debate as to whether the building was originally a peat store, (peat was used for heating furnaces), or whether these were stables. You can see one of the old arches above the window.

We walked up the route of the flues to Stublick Chimney.

I have to confess that I enjoyed being out for the walk and seeing the views and the wild flowers more than the old buildings, but it was a very well organised and informative day.

Forgot the technical bits: touch of HDR, touch of selective sharpening, levels, compressed.

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