
Whilst I spent most of the day accreting then expelling snot Nicky was over at a school-colleague-friend-beautician's house having her trial-run of wedding-slap applied and getting a sample hairstyle. I was expecting (and dreading) something along the lines of what happened to her before her sister's wedding whereupon someone made her wear fake tan which kept developing and developing throughout the afternoon the day before the event and which ended up looking very overdone on the day itself. As a naturally pale/slightly rosy-faced lady Nicky is of the portion of the population who really really really doesn't suit fake tan (as opposed to the portions who merely really really don't suit it) so I was naturally only concerned that she would again be forced to get herself oranged-up and end up not looking like her; she usually wears no make-up and it's just strange seeing her with it on. I was very pleasantly surprised when she got back with very little make-up on indeed; a little bit of lipstick and a bit of eye-stuff and her lovely real prettyface still visible beneath. There was also a big wodge of black sticky stuff behind her ear as part of a patch test for an adverse reaction to the eyelash-dye stuff to be used on the day but that wasn't part of the final outfit. Her hair had gone all twisty, too. Later on we popped out for some eating with all her schoolpeople but I couldn't really hear what anyone was saying and was mostly sitting there trying to remember not to sniff too much. A pleasant enough evening but it's hard to appreciate food you can't taste properly and have to chew with your mouth open in order to be able to breathe.

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