Between Two Minds

By Roxie

Once upon a time . . .

. . . I was new to the internet. And I happened upon a website .

And that was the start. You see I found a lot of kindred spirits there. I was very lucky - there were hardly any bad apples, and the good ones I still count as good friends many many years later.

Throughout the time I "met" a lady called Amanda. I never met her in person - but we have mutual friends and I knew her through the screen.

She was pretty amazing, she fought cancer for a long long time, well past any medical goals, we knew her as Purple Survivor and she was. That girl was an inspiration and then some! She lived and she fought and she dug her teeth in and fought some more.

Tonight is the London Moonwalk and some amazing people will be walking it and supporting it in Amandas name. And to this day when I see something purple I remember Amanda. She loved the colour purple and we celebrated it then and celebrate it now.
So when I met a lady today who was dressed in purple, carrying purple bedding plants she just bought and talked about her love of purple and bought some purple jewellery - for a friend - how could I not think of Amanda?

I took a lot of photos today - but the purple tinge in these clouds just shouted out - and it was apt. Sleep tight Amanda xx

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