We're Not the First One's To Be Divided

I never tire of the sunset.

There was a time when my Beloved, (forgive me, I nearly said Himself), and I were going to head to Australia. When we were almost there, I sat on the beach wall and watched the sunset.

Whilst I was sad at the prospect of not seeing family again, I could cope with that. The prospect of not seeing a West Coast Sunset again? No, I was bereft.

I don't even need to be at the beach. I'm close enough to see the sunset over the horizon.

Everytime I see it my heart sings.

Everytime I see it, I ponder the reason for being.

Everytime I see it. I know there is none that we will find out in this life.

But when the Mother Ship picks me up, I'm a gonna insist we let you know!

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