
By mandygf

what you looking at!

... a lovely day out (I can do it even feeling grotty...) dragged the old man.... out of his deathbed.... & borrowed another teen.... to keep my delightful teen company....

we headed out to Wave102's airport openday..... less said about that the better me thinks...

then we decided that lunch was needed to good old McD's was had by all...

nope there was still too much day left after that so we headed off to Camperdown Zoo & we had a great time, next time we'll give ourselves a bit more than 80 mins to get round all of it, we even had a hailstorm & rain while we were making our way round....

a great time I'd recomend it as a day out....

the big kids girls wanted to go to the park... probably to see if there were any boys about for some time in the play area, it started to rain again & the wee man decided to go down the slide & ended up with a wet bottom....

which I was expecting but not from that... the potty training is going great.... a whole day out with no accidents...

It was a pleasure having Cookiemonster along as the teen is more willing to spend time with us when she has company... thanks again M x

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