Ink Polaroids

By inkpolaroids


Evening all.

The house is quiet, the rest of the collective has gone to bed, so time to crawl behind the computer, read the news, watch the videos, browse the blogs and update Blipfoto.

So that was the last sporting weekend of the season. Starts saturday as usual with hockey, followed by swimming, followed by touch-rugby (i.e. shopping). Actually, today's hockey was a little different in that B. had his first parent/kids training today. Lots of kids, lots of parents, lots of hockey.

Despite the fact that S. plays hockey (and has done for years, I've been to every one of her games) I have never held a hockey stick in anger. Today was my big chance. Now, the thing about me is that normally I'm usually quite a shy and retiring person, a sheep, following the flock wherever it goes.

Except when it's a sport.

Then the gloves are off. Full tilt. No quarter given. Likewise today when in my eagerness to get to a stray ball, I inflicted what at best would be called a "committed", at worst "an agricultural" challenge on a five year old girl that happened to be between me and a certain goal. She literally bounced off me. Then, for full effect, I landed on top of her.

She started greeting which, given the circumstances was quite reasonable. She was led away, and I'm sure she's alright now, but she didn't make it back for the second half. Ah well. As I told The Boy, it's a sport, not a tickling competition.

Afterwards, I refereed S.'s game, all of which has pushed my back over the edge. I'm very sore, very stiff and walking like a crab. I bet the girl I practically assaulted this afternoon is fine. Karma eh?

Today's blip then is a little abstract. While out shopping this afternoon I saw before me a beautiful Capa-esque moment developing before me. Full of social commentary, the scene was one of the plight of modern man in this age of consumerism, 'me me me' culture, the Big Society, an incandescent visual diaspora of emotions.

Unfortunately, I pushed the shutter button too soon getting the camera lined up. All I got was a rather strange picture of myself, in a very 'hipsway' moment. It's not as impressive as the picture I saw before me, but it made me laugh when I saw it anyway. I doubt the picture I wanted to take would have.

There's so much death and misery in the world at the moment that a laugh was a welcome moment.

{taken with iPhone4 and the new 210 version of the Hipstamatic App}

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