creative lenna

By creativelenna

great white egret

I find this bird so beautiful. I saw this particular one today while doing a boating "mess about" with my husband, a friend, my son & his girlfriend. We were meeting up with other Cortez boatnuts. I loved this photo I took and have done nothing but resize it, although this photo really shows how tame these birds are. They don't seem to be bothered by humans at all. Perhaps they are just used to getting food from them as a lot of people use this dock for fishing. We had a very short boat ride in a borrowed boat that we thought would be best for 5 passengers . . . then motor trouble! But no disasters, fortunately. We just took the boat out of the water, fetched the car and drove instead of boating to the waterside restaurant!! We still enjoyed ourselves and got everything done before a huge thunderstorm. phew.

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