
By Appreciate

A Right Royal Do

My lovely friend Bev began the count down for her celebration day for William and Kate's wedding as soon as she heard the news of the date.

She had invites made for "A Right Royal Do" and planned a breakfast in the morning before the wedding, a lunch between the end of ceremony and the kiss, followed by a BBQ in the evening for families with children!

She worked tirelessly on her menus, giving wee jobs to some people. My job was to make the bunting.

Bev came round one evening with a red, as white and a blue king size bed sheet - all washed and starched!

We duly cut the sheets up in to strips and then cut the strips into rough squares. As we cut, we sneezed and coughed. After an hour of chopping, our eyes were streaming. Undaunted we carried on, now with a big G&T to deaden the obvious odd reaction.

She churned out triangles cut from the squares, and I accelerated at speed on the sewing machine - anything just to get the job done. I could hardly see - streaming eyes, coughing and sneezing.

At 11pm, I thought she was going to be here all night. Eventually after a gruelling 3 hours, we looked at each other and EXPLODED with laughter. She looked like Alice Cooper with her mascara running into points at her chin, and I looked like Rudolph - I had blown my nose so much!

Robin starch has a lot to answer for!!!

Still, it was all worth it!

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