
By Appreciate

Do you reccogise this pigeon?

It is Sunday. The sun is hot and the birds are busy at the feeders. The grass has been cut and there are "do it" piles all round the lots waiting to be put in the compost heap.

Too hot to continue, I come in. I begin to make a playlist on itunes, music playing in the background.

At first I thought the tapping was in the music, but I realised it was out of beat. I raised my head to listen. The tapping was on the floor.

You can only imagihne my surprise when I looked down to find this beautiful creature plodding across my kitchen floor. I shut the door into the dining room, in case he made himself too much at home - and also didn't mind having to clean up after him on the lino - but drew the line at the carpet!

Bold as brass, he marched around, looking straight at me with his head cocked to one side, as if to listen to the music.

As you do, I then had a one-sided converstaion with him, saying "hello", asking him who he was, where he had come from, what were the green tags on his legs, whilst admiring his fabulous neck colourings. I got up and walked slowly outdside - he followed. I walked back into the kitchen - he followed. I sat on the chair in the garden in the sun - he stood at my feet. I got a bit unnerved. Perhaps he had a message for me round his leg, but how on earth was I going to find out! I checked myself for being so ridiculous, but couldn't help wondering what was going on.

I came back in but this time he did not follow me. I got on with my playlist - when the tapping now came from the window to my left. Now he is on the windowsill tapping and staring at me through the glass. Now I'm getting a bit freaked out. I googled "homing pigeon" and found some that resembled my new friend - but also found that racing pigeons look similar- maybe they are the same thing??

He settled down and tucked his head into his wing. By now he'd had handfuls of sunflower hearts and a drink from the bird bath. I completed my playlist, checked him - still snoozing - and went back out to sit in the garden with a cup of tea.

I leaned back after a while letting the sun heat my face. I suddenly heard a really loud flapping - almost clapping. I looked up to see what must have been my visitor doing a complete lap of honour round my garden before flying off.

I burst into tears and wondered who that was that had made such a touching visit!!!!

I look a the date - 8th May. Had he still been alive it would have been my father-in-law's birthday. It was also the date of the death of a lady for whom I had great respect - Ros. Many years ago I "joined the church" on this date and it is Katy's 21st - my daughters great friend who lives across the field.

If I could have put another photo on for today's date, you would think I had been making all this up.

Just as my flying friend disappeares over the wall and I had wiped away my trickling tears, I hear a much louder tapping noise.

I just cannot explain what I felt when I turned round to find Tilly the donkey from the riding stables opposite, standing behind my chair staring at me with a mouth full of Alchemilla Mollis from my garden!!!

I nipped inside and grabbed my camera and then very quickly shut the back door!!!


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