Leading Lady...

Yesterday's Christian Aid Book Sale First Day saw £4,800 banked. The actual receipts for sales of books was up 31.5% on the same first day last year! Maybe a record is in sight!

Today Kathy Galloway came for lunch. Here she is talking to a group of activists about the work of Christian Aid Scotland.

Kathy Galloway is the Head of Christian Aid Scotland. Previously she served a seven-year term as the Leader of the Iona Community, the first woman to be elected to the post. She is a practical theologian, campaigner and writer, the major focus of her work has always been peacemaking and social justice issues, especially relating to poverty and gender.

She is the author of ten books of theology, liturgy and poetry, and her writings have been widely anthologised. She is a patron of the Student Christian Movement and the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, which she started in 1981, and has been a consultant for, among others, the World Council of Churches, the Lambeth Conference and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. She has travelled widely and spent six weeks travelling in the USA in 2001 as an International Peacemaker with the Presbyterian Church, USA. She was one of 1000 women worldwide who were collectively nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 2005.

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