Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

Settling In

Crystal and Myagi are finally settling in. Lil Myagi is climbing, running and playing.

Crystal is still not eating much but she surely has attitude today so I think she is fine. I read it takes a week or so for them to adjust to their new surroundings. She's drinking fine and eats a little here and there but she is protesting the move. She was also removed from all the babies including her own 2 kids, double whammy.

While she isn't all warm and fuzzy with me, she will lead for me and not fight too hard to get on the milk stand.

Myagi has only had a collar on since Friday, he's not to swift on being led yet. Another week and we will start working on leading. I'm going to let him get used to things around here before adding stress. He's strong and fast so I have to get him trained soon before he's a full grown buck with attitude.

They stick together, its very cute. He's trying to nurse off of her and she lets him here and there to calm him down.

I'm exhausted, a little overwhelmed but I think after today things should settle down a bit. We have 3 major projects after this and then hopefully I can set a schedule and enjoy the summer before the winter hits again.

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