Play Time
As some of you may know Oscar the troublesome lurcher has caused us a lot of worry over the 4 years he ,has been with us. He has the most docile of natures in the house and yet outside he is unpredictable. Some dogs he loves and others he just takes an instant dislike to.
As part of our plan to try and overcome this we have been taking him on socialisation walks with a large pack of dogs. This seems to be working quite well (although he still takes exception at times but is usually put in his place by the pack) Its nice to see him off lead and interacting AND playing with other dogs. You feel he is getting more out of life than simply being stuck on the end of a lead for his own safety.
In this picture is Oscar running for a stick with Tmbor the pack leader, Poppy and Lewy and Neeshy the collies.
Next week.....proper dog training begins. Mr Lif is dealing with Poppy and I get Oscar. This could go two ways :)
Enjoy your Sunday evening!
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