My Weekend in Still Life
My wife is away this weekend, but will be back on Monday evening. She will ask me what I have been up to...
This blip summarises the highlights of my weekend in still life!
Thursday Night: Finding the note my wife left me on the pillow (note)
Friday Night (1): Listening to the Radio 4 news quiz on my iPod on the way to the bus (the iPod my wife bought me for christmas)
Friday Night (2): Whisky Society (membership card) with friends (note), including a fellow blipper and some other friends I haven't seen in far too long.
Friday Night (3): Later, texting my wife (phone) who always makes me smile.
Saturday Lunch: Browns with friends (note) including 77 who I have not see in far too long and a couple of beers (bottle of beer)
Saturday Afternoon (1): Murrayfield. Scotland 15, England 9 (ticket). The best atmosphere, the biggest buzz, just amazing. Result!
Saturday Afternoon (2): My wife phoning (phone) to sing "Flower of Scotland" to the England fans I was out with - sorry guys.
Saturday Evening: The Whisky Society on Queen St (membership card), dinner, beer (bottle of beer), and great company (note). It was great to see 77 again and meet T. Out until late, then having a dram at home with friends until later...
Sunday Lunchtime: Bacon in freshly baked baguettes (packet of bacon) and sugar/caffine (coke) to counteract yesterdays celebrations. Watched Wales/Ireland game which I had recorded. Good game.
Sunday Afternoon (1): Watched recorded Scotland game (ticket) from yesterday with a cookie (bag of cookies) to see the TV version. Game looked OK from where I was sitting in the stadium, Scotland looked much better on TV!!! Relived feelings of elation.
Sunday Afternoon (2): Don't want to loose the endorphins. Put on "Faithless live at Alexandria Palace" DVD (DVD case) and turn up the stereo. I love dance music, a taste acquired helping out in the student unions in the mid 90s. I've seen Faithless live 3 times (4 if you include festival appearences) and I just love them. Endorphins still flowing. Cat grumpy as she doesn't like loud noises....
Sunday Evening (1): Time to be creative and blip - I love this game! (blip book) Browse blip for a while. Write all this spraff!
Sunday Evening (2): I will have pizza for dinner and watch the France/Italy game then probably watch an episode from Series 7 of West Wing and get an earlyish night. Haven't thought about anything work/business related all weekend, that makes a nice change.
One of my dive club friends has just joined blip after we were talking about underwater photography and I mentioned the site - so welcome Physis!
I have also back-blipped for yesterday... Warning: this link may contain content distressing to some (English) viewers...
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