The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Awa oot

Saturday night was big night oot night for us! We decamped the kids to their grandparents and headed off into the bright lights and big city of the TOON to hang out with our bezzies and go and see a gig. You'd have thought then that I'd manage to take a photograph of either our bezzies and us enjoying the evening's shenanigans or the gig? Well, you'd have thought wrong.

This is a photo of the bag I took with me overnight. Seriously folks, that's as good as it gets. It is a cool bag though and we did have a cracking night oot.*

*Actually really cracking, I broke the tooth that had all the root canal work done on it last week and will need to go and visit the tooth jockey for yet another round of gum numbing fun.

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