1 Day Older

By nzredhead

Going up the Stairs!

This is for his Gran to show how well he both ascends and descends stairs! He spends most of his time at Nana's climbing up and down the stairs. I suppose once kids learn something they practice and practice.

Over the last few weeks, Sebastian has been learning how to draw, paint and play creatively and I just adore it! My fridge is plastered with pages and pages of his art. It might not be professional but I think I have mothers blindness.

I decided to go to the daycare a little early today so I could watch him play and join in. I swear my kid has sugar for breakfast, he is so full of energy! There are a couple of kids that he seems to avoid (I don't blame him) but other than that he gets along with everyone! He even has a girlfriend or two :P

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