
So it's the first day back after the holidays. The man toddled off to work this morning and I went to the optician. Not much to it really, but by the time I'd had bright lights panned across my retina and puffs of air blown in to check the pressure, I was certainly glad to be out of their requiring little other than new contacts - if I can pluck up the courage to wear them. Am a real wimp when it comes to eyes and stuff like that but lenses would certainly make my day to day life an awful lot simpler.

Anyway, home to grey skies and rain so I decided to leave the walk I had planned for today. Rather than opt for a picture of steam coming out of a pan (I spent the afternoon making bread that doesn't seem to want to rise and other delicacies) I plumped for this one of Dandy.

She's fourteen now and has already had two ops to have mammary tumours removed. The last one was just a few days ago but she is still bouncing around like a spring chicken. We even had to bring her indoors at one point because she was running around so much. Really didn't want to have to deal with a burst wound. It was good to see her enjoying life so much though. She's a wee gem.

PS Not the sharpest image, but I liked the light and the smile on her face... not that I'm anthropomorphising or anything like that!

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