Let's See What Happens

By SumoSnapper

Traveler Redemption

Wake up early to go catch a bus to see the The TuLou's at the bus stop my right contact feels funny, take it out and it's ripped! No time to run back, toss out the left one to avoid an all-day headache. Oh well so much for vision, onwards! We meet our friends on time and the bus takes off. The entire way there (4hrs) it's pouring rain outside. Sure enough, by the time we get off at the last stop it's raining even harder. By the way, did anyone bring an umbrella? Whoops on that one. No other tourists in sight. We'll just have to tough it out, make the most of it, seize the day!!!! And that we did.

*Even though, we spent twice as long on the bus or in a taxi than actually at the TuLou, and missed our bus coming home. All the great pictures and laughs (not just this lady's LOL!), easily made up for what could have been the longest day trip EVER.

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