Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Chichen Itza

Today we visited the 'Seventh Wonder' of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza.
Whilst it's a fantastic site, full of beautiful examples of Mayan architectural skill and artistry, it wasn't our favourite archeological visit so far. We felt the jungle ruins of Palenque, or the mountain-top city at Monte Alban, simple oozed more character and mystery.

That being said, I think the incredible and mysterious history associated with Chichen, as well as it's status as the centre of the great Mayan civilisation, is what keeps it atop many a must-see list.

It was fun to explore, and we were first in when it opened, so it had a really peaceful air (by our leaving at eleven it was tour group hell).

Gruesome highlights for me were la Platforma de los Craneos (the platform of skulls) a stone platform adorned with hundreds of skulls and carvings of eagles eating human hearts. It's believed the heads of captured and sacrificed rivals were displayed here on spikes.
And the Gran Juego de Pelota (the Great Ball Court). Ball games were an integral part of Mayan life, the ball and hoop games played out on large court areas. Carvings cause some confusion as to the rules, some showing a football-like game, others involving a bat and ball. It's commonly accepted though, that whichever ever team got the ball through their high, wall-mounted hoop first were the winners - and with the losing team's captain facing decapitation, this was much more than just a game.

Side Note:

Owing to Lucy's infatuation with the twenty cats that roam freely around our hotel, we'll be hanging around for one more night.

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