Journey Through Time

By Sue

Beautiful Pink Rhododendron

We have these big Rhodies in our side yard. They are getting ready to burst forth and they are a wonderful medium pink color. My lovely Bow Bells Rhodie was not very happy with the rain that we got yesterday. It is pretty from a distance, but close up, it looks a bit sad. Sprinkles are in the forecast and Thursday is supposed to be a nice day. Seems we get a glorious day about once a week, if that. This spring has been a slooooow process. We usually have our gas fireplace turned off by now, but last night I had the fire on and even turned on the blower for awhile. I must be getting old! Nah, that can't be it.

I am anxiously awaiting the 20th, as then I will find out if my photo made the cut to win any prize from Pro Photo. Don't you think I should win a new camera with this?

Hee Hee

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