To the ladies

A Spring Rain Song
Raymond A. Foss

He was hidden in the nascent
emerging buds of the
lilac branches, singing his
ornate, urgent, compelling song
to the back of the hall
to the ladies, to the heavens
letting the world hear his
beautiful, erudite trill
shared in joy,
piercing the momentary gloom
of the gentle spring rain

Hummingbird behavior

Native American legends

A bright spot on another rainy day. Downpours and drizzle, the prediction for the week. The birds are incredibly busy. A female oriole was working diligently all afternoon yesterday stripping small threads from the bittersweet vines. Another House Wren was tackling twigs twice as long as her body, somehow getting them inside a house hanging from the barn. Mama and Papa Sparrow continue to work around the clock stuffing wiggling small green worms into hungry, gaping mouths. Dampness and cool rain don't hinder Mother Nature's spring timetable.

A shake

An unwelcome guest at the table

Back again with darker skies

For the Record,

This day came in blustery and wet, a cool NE wind, 46 degrees, F, 96% Humidity

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