Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths


Lots and lots and LOTS of willpower!

That's what I needed when I found myself standing in front of this lot in Tesco's today. The me of old, the me who was giving in to depression, to cravings from medication, to becoming a "fat person" would have put at least six bags from this display into my trolley.

Today I didn't take ANY, not even "just a bag of Nibbles for emergencies"!

It took severe willpower, but I forced myself to think how hard it is to reach my toenails, how much more difficult it is to walk up hills at the moment, how my favourite clothes don't fit, how my cool trendy t-shirts make me look like I'm expecting a litter of seven, how I don't want to get obesity-related health problems, and how much more comfortable I feel when I'm slimmer!

Furthermore, what's the point of making the effort to go swimming and walking in the mornings if I just keep shovelling chocolate into me?

So, I resisted!

Anyway, it has been a jolly busy day. I set off this morning to spend the morning observing an adult education class (this particular one for students who were learning English as a foreign language). It was excellent - SO much more relaxed than a classroom with children - completely different. I could happily see myself doing that sort of work - if I can find it. I shall try to put feelers out and see how I might go about getting myself trained and what the job opportunities for part-time work are like. I know someone told me a few months ago about an online TESOL course, but at the moment it's out of reach financially since it's around £600 if I remember rightly. Perhaps there's someone out there who needs a numeracy tutor one morning a week. It's something to follow up anyway.

Then I went to Tesco where I resisted the delights shown above!

Then I went to Argos to collect the new lawnmower that I reserved by internet yesterday. A benefactor has sent us money to buy a new mower, and I also managed to spend some of my nectar points to get it a bit cheaper - which is a great relief since the garden was beginning to get completely out of hand and the Wonderspouse was fighting a losing battle with a pair of hand clippers.

Once home I ate (half a pasta salad and a small mousse), then headed out to deal with the jungle outside the door! I was assisted by three of the family and came up with the following "song" that I hummed tunelessly to myself while mowing:

One woman went to mow, went to mow a meadow, one woman and three cats, went to mow a meadow!

One woman went to mow, went to mow a meadow, one woman and three cats 'cause the other two were fast asleep inside the house, went to mow a meadow!

(to be sung to the usual tune)

After re-threading the strimmer (which the Wonderspouse had failed to do owing to lack of tweezer skills) and discovering that I can't bite through strimmer cord with even my strongest teeth, I did the edges too, then came in to have a bath to wash the bits of lawn off me!

A busy day indeed. Looking at the TV schedules this evening I see that there is a possibility that we might either (a) get to bed early or (b) get some time in our studies doing writing (him) and maths (me) before bedtime!

Unless we fall asleep on the sofas under the cats!

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