Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Emergency Blip No?

Gosh I am tired today and the boy child was in a foul mood on waking. He refused breakfast in no uncertain terms and for once I was more than happy to leave him with our childminder. He then reverted to normal happy, smiling boy and had a lovely day doing lots of water play (three changes of clothes) and visiting the Koi Carp Centre to see the fish, reptiles and small mammals that they have there.

Meanwhile I was doing housework, then I picked up Carys and she played with some of her new wooden cooking toys and wooden tes set. Then she decided she wanted to play at hairdressers, cue Mummy sitting down (resting her eyes) and having her hair brushed and lots of clips put in it.

We then headed for swimming where I am sure she was having the teacher on as she was doing backstroke one arm moving correctly the other going the wrong way round! Quite a skill in itself. I know she can do it properly as it was backstroke she was doing when she got her 20m badge.

Realised at 19.30 I hadn't taken any photos so this is an emergency blip from the garden.

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