Temple Tours

By wakakajennie


well, this is probably my biggest ever laziest posting (a fact that I hope will be pleasing to my really old b day pal mropendoor)

so, I shall try and make up for it by telling you a little of the circumstances...Today, I have been very good and worked exceptionally hard. I am on track for various deadlines and as a result have only photographed artwork for applications/proposals etc etc

hmmm - Rudy and I sometimes make drawings together, of which this is one - we have a conversation and then draw bits that we think are important (yes, most of this is me drawing). The title of this roughly translates as The Italian Centre for the Investigation of Bees and Flies and the town in the back is kind of like Trevi, an Umbrian hill town not far from Assisi where I have spent a lot of time over the years, and where we all visited together nearly two years ago. The bees and flies are Rudy's remembering of the flying things and the small 3 wheeled vehicle also known as the 'ape' (apee). Well, I am not sure if this is making it all better. But, if you are still interested.... this drawing is one of three that were exhibited before Christmas and I shall some day show you the rest

oh yeah, and those wee blue felt tip markings in the top right are Rudy's early attempts at writing his name (backwards 'cause he's a lefty - or, devil child as the olden days would have it)

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