noble maggie

By maggiesays

The Paper Bag Game

Enterprise Week, Day Two.
Today we played The Paper Bag Game. This is a Christian Aid activity, that uses the real-life scenario of the paper-bag makers in Kolkata, India.

So the children sit on the floor, in their 'family groups', making paper bags to a strict specification, that have to be offered to the 'company' in batches of ten. If they pass the quality control ("sort that out, Mrs A!"), they are paid 1 rupee for the batch. During the hour of the game, prices and specifications fluctuate.

Later, they worked out if their efforts would have provided sufficient income (when extrapolated over a 10-hour day, and a seven day week) to provide themselves with enough food and shelter for the family.

They learnt much about their own strengths and weaknesses in group work as well, of course, as the lives of those born in more challenging situations.

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