A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Sleepy photoshoot

Have just finished the work thingy I needed to finish before the end of today. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it the end of the day being counted is east coast USA so frankly I'm early.

It comes to something when you can't move off your sofa to take a picture. But then it has come to something that you don't need to move off your sofa to take a picture. Well not if you have a laptop on top of your, er, lap. The first shot I took contained an accidental yawn as it overtook me at just the wrong moment. It turned out I had plenty more yawns in me as I messed about in PhotoBooth. Must stop talking about the 'y' word though as I'm still going...

...and Carl's just suggested an episode of the West Wing. I don't stand a chance.

Night all
Lesley x

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