Norway's national holiday

.....And it really is a lovely holiday - centered around children, friends and family.

Here are D. and his good friend NP looking sharp and ready for the day early this morning :)

It has been a full day with lots of fun - non-stop from 8am til 9pm. In the morning we were downtown with thousands of people celebrating the day. It is actually quite an event to see - a bit crazy with so many people but everyone is happy, eating hots dogs and ice cream :) Both boys were in the parade this year. Afterwards we had our traditional lunch in town with friends and then the afternoon and evening were spent at their school with games and then at our neighbourhood party. We realized that we have been having this party now for 9 years...something I think the boys will remember as part of their growing up. It's been a lovely day :)

We are lucky - Norway is a good place to be :)

Hope you have all had a great day as well.

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