party of 5

By partyof5

~the 50~

The gauntlet has been thrown, the 50mm challange. While Mallary is off playing with her fancy dancy loaner Cannon EOS 5D I was given her 50mm lens to borrow and play with. Well, it is a challenge. This thing has no auto focus for my camera and no zoom as well. With kids in constant movement I have had a very hard time using it. Today being the 3rd day I decided to go out to the garden after work and find my happy place. Lily scooted around on the patio, the boys and neighbor Ben played some made up game (that I can't quite figure out) and I took a few pictures and planted a couple plants. My husband said I must be feeling better, not really as my nose was dripping the whole time, just needed to be outside while there was no rain. So this is a view of my vintage watering can that is filled with hens and chicks and the background green color is sedum that is just getting brighter and brighter every day. I just love bright lime green in the garden. I am looking forward to the next two days of what is supposed to be blue skies and gardening! We shall see what I can do with this lens in the next 2 1/2 weeks!

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