
By Tinks


Is that how you spell it? Anyway I have one.... and I need your help!!

I've been on he look out for a nice new lens! Looking at the photos I take and what I take the most of (the children), I decided I needed a nice portrait lens. Then looking at what I've got, I decided that I needed a good all rounder too.... mmm... so looking at combining the two, I came up with a 70-200mm f4 L IS USM. I ran it by Mr Tinks who agreed that I should have it!

Since shopping around loads and loads I have now found the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM for not a lot more than the original price I quoted Mr Tinks for the f4.... Soooo, I went back to Mr Tinks who said 'You're bring me now, if you think it's a bargain and you want it, buy it!' He did say it in a funny way... but did mean I should buy it if I really wanted it! I do know it's a great lens but to be honest the weight is putting me off a bit....

Thing is... whichever one I buy will mean I have a lens worth more than my camera, to start with! My thinking was, to buy a better lens now 'cos I really need one and to upgrade my camera later on.... Then again, I don't know if I'm looking at the right lens at all AArrrgggh!

What do you think I should buy???

btw; the blip is of my 'Easter Tree' a bit like a 'Christmas Tree' but for Easter!

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