Shutting up for the night
These bright yellow stripy flowers (name has just slipped my mind somehow) are bright and breezy during the day - buzzing with hoverflies - and then curl up their petals and shut up shop for the evening. Which is just what I feel like doing after a busy day.
Katherine had another great riding lesson - seemingly glued to her saddle as her new (bigger) pony trotted and cantered around. The grin didn't leave her face from the moment she put her jodhpurs on until at least an hour after her lesson. (Which is sooooo not how I feel about lessons.) After some chill out time for the kids, and some time for me to realise there was nothing I could bake with what I had in the house, we headed over to the kids' friend's house for tea. This turned into a rather wet afternoon, with the kids in and out of the pool and the waterslide (with my kids in their pants in true 70s fashion as I hadn't thought to bring their costumes). A lovely, noisy time.
Home then, stopping to pick up pizzas for an impromptu lazy mammy night, and a parcel waiting for us from London with many goodies. And some good news from Mr B about an earlier than I expected date for his return to the sunshine.
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