Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Industrial Landscape

In or around 25 years ago I suffered an injury to my back in a very simple work related incident. Ever since, I have been plagued by backache which has been getting worse and worse with time and recently has been waking me up at night. I have reported the matter to at least 4 doctors over the years and all they have ever offered was pills. None ever wanted to know much about the history and certainly were not for referring me to a specialist. So when I saw a special offer by a local chiropractic service in the newspaper. Last week I had an hour and a half's worth of an examination and 2 x-rays from them. Today, another hour plus and a look at the photos and all for the princely sum of 27 Euro. Result : two squashed discs, some degeneration of the vertebrae, spine slightly out of alignment and a hip joint just beginning to wear. Great fun! Treatment begins on Friday.

On the way home I shot the old Woodchip Factory yet again simply because 1. I was lazy and 2. I liked the cloud.

That's it for today. I'm wrecked tired after all that.

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