you are my gravity.

By joannnieeee

stay up;

"beauty is in the ears of the beholder"

had intentions of using a plant again for my blip, but i liked the lighting in this one. discovered george nozuka today<3 he has an oh such amazing voice. i love how its six pm and the sun is still out. spring break in two weeks, cant wait. played some super smash bros, my fingers hurt now. was gonna rollerblade but not in the mode. time to listen to more george nozuka<3

"There have been lots of ups and downs, but ultimately at the end of the day, that's what makes you who you are. We all know how to laugh, we all know how to cry, we all know how to love back, and we're all familier with heartbreak, but the world keeps moving and we keep moving with it and everything we experience helps us realize how beautiful life really is."

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