Being under the microscope

is not very much fun.

I was doing really well till this afternoon.

Then a couple of curve balls were thrown my way.

Then I was un-necessarily abrupt with someone at 7pm.

We owe our caretaker a bottle of brandy for making him stay for an extra 3 hours.

Home at 9.15pm.

Started planning my own lessons at 9.30pm. Just finished - 10 to midnight.
Have been disappointed, bemused, confused, anxious and offended. However I have also been unexpectedly hugged and have had some laughs at least.

Food count - a bar of chocolate and six pizza fingers.
Could be half a stone gone by Friday.

Back in school for 7.30, get classroom ready and then meeting at 8.30, lesson (likely observation), meeting again at 10, break duty, lesson, possibly lunch, lesson. Feedback to team at 4.30, and then us to feedback to staff after that most likely. Not got my stuff for the prom tomorrow night so am going to have to come home after feedback, get changed, drive back to Bolton and somehow get there by 7.30.

I'm going to crash and burn. I just know it - probably lesson 1 tomorrow, probably with an audience to see me do it.

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