
By dorrit


Yesterday I realized that I have been blipping for two years. Today I realized that I would be blipping my 500th blip! Do you know what that means? It means it took me 731 days to make it to five hundred! I'm a blip-slacking, good-for-nothing...No, wait! Being the incredible optimist that I am, I am not going to think my journal is half empty, I'm going to take pride in the fact that it is (a little) over two thirds full and say..Wow, look at me! I'm still here!

This has been a tough last couple of years for us - lots of hard work and harder decisions to survive financially and I just didn't want something else hanging over my head every day that I HAD to do so I chose to take breaks when I needed to so that blip would be a pleasure and not a burden.

I've made so many friends here, seen so many things of beauty, read tales of sorrow, rebirth, joy and fun. I've worried about people as though I knew them personally and laughed with them as they shared their sense of humor. I've traveled all around the world and, I feel, learned more about it than I could ever learn just from the news. An earthquake? I know people there and worry until I see their journals and hear first hand the hardships. An eruption? I know people stuck in foreign countries because the planes have stopped, people who are near enough to post pictures of it! Birth? Death? Illness? strength? What a wonderful site this is, my friends. I am so happy to be a part of it! Thank you BlipCentral. It just keeps getting better! This wasn't the best shot but the sun sent rays right on my 500 so I had to use it! For several more go HERE

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