I just remembered in the nick of time that today is my 500th blip. Kerr was already in bed but luckily not asleep yet when I realised I hadn't taken a photo and it was my 500th!

Luckily I found a packet of parma violets and part of a kitchen unit which should have been fitted long ago, quick google search to find out the Roman Numeral for 500 is D, and hey presto!

Kerr thought all his Christmas's had come at once when we opened his blinds and curtains and presented him with a tray full of sweeties. He was allowed to eat one before the lights went out again. Maybe not a good idea to give him sweets at this time of night, I can still hear him bouncing around in the cot with his toys.

Thanks to everyone who stops by to take a look at my journal. Apologies for being so poor at commenting recently, can't seem to find the time most days but I do try to keep up with my favourites. Thanks also to all at Blip Central for creating such a fab community. 500 blips later and I'm still addicted to posting a photo every day.

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