Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

the massive black bin that is about to eat the chair is one of many that line the surrounding streets of the flat. Some of the bins are for recycling and some for general waste.

So, some years ago these communal bins replaced the standard black rubbish bags that we used to put out twice a week, the idea being that people would put their rubbish in the bins and it would mean a cleaner environment: the seagulls and some of the locals used to like nothing better than ripping apart the said bags and as a result the shite lined streets would also be overflowing with stinking detritus and matter. Oh yes, I feel that my dramatic tone is entirely necessary. I can remember quite clearly that within a couple of days of these bins appearing, everyperson and their dog had disposed of a soiled mattress and or sofa into the bins. And so it has continued.

There are no mattresses or sofas left to throw out in the whole world, but it would seem there are plenty of chairs (oh yes, we have been here before) anyway, I have now bloody bored myself with the bin tale and I like the chairs. So this is a posting that is both boring and contradictory. Yeeaah.

On another note we had a tremendously positive union meeting and now, for some reason, I am on holiday for four days. Woohoo.

happy and long weekending (me) and I shall bid yous the same tomorrow

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