Sports day.

I think J's school has been plonked on the most exposed and windy position in Edinburgh.

It was here on the sloped playing grounds that we (the parents) had to endure the chilly wind, bit of drizzle and occasional but barely warm bursts of sunshine, while our wee folk were dribbling balls, throwing bean bags into hoops and shuffling around in sacks for an hour or so.

The chat with some of the other parents was quite entertaining. When I'd moaned about the weather for the billionth time, one of the mums said to me trying to appear sympathetic "yes, you do look like you've cold cheeks". That made me laugh for a bit, what do cold cheeks look like? Then the best bit was another mum charmingly announcing, loud enough to be caught on several video cameras, that she needed a "p**s". I laughed for quite a while about that.........meanwhile J was missing a hoop with a beanbag.

I'm usually very enthusiastic about events like this but I couldn't get home fast enough. I'd woken early to quite hideous puffy eyelids........bleugh.....I looked (a J word) 'horrid'. They'd gone down quite a bit by the time we had to leave for school but all day my eyes have been feeling dry.


None of my photographs of sports day were interesting (other than to me) so I've utilised the lovely evening light we get in our bedroom.

I must add that I'm now very uneasy about posting in colour. Having seen what my ( I think) subtly toned pictures look like on a big grown up calibrated monitor. So I really hope this comes to you slightly golden with no over-saturation but I imagine it's hideously red and smudged looking.

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