The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


Callum decided at first light, yes...first light, to get up. He decided, around the same time, that I should get up too. Unfortunately Lewis the dog (who may well be for sale if he tries the same shenanigans tonight) had decided to have a wee bark to himself through the night as well. And the tap had decided to drip, drip, drip, drip until I got out of bed at half one and turned it off. Result? Very little sleep and very grumpy teacher at work today. I topped my morning off by facing the potential wrath of our lovely office ladies by going to admit that I had lost my key and would definitely need a replacement. (In fact, they were their usual lovely selves about it and just gave me a new key, but I was so exhausted I was near having a breakdown by then anyway). I then forgot to go to man the Time Out room at work. Yup, definitely firing on all cylinders today.

Anyhoo - I think this wee photo helps to explain why I'm quite so tired just now. You know that when you have kids you're going to be busy but the constant round of dropping kids off at activities, remembering birthdays (sorry Charles - the card is here) and making sure you know were the kids are getting picked up/dropped off is being to take its toll. Only six weeks until the holidays though - which is just as well as I reckon I'll be headed for the loony bin by then. And if that wasn't all fun enough it looks like Miss Hannah might have another bout of tonsillitis.

Give me strength.

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