From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

I need a drink!

Its my wedding anniversary today - and tomorrow! Jane and I 'pledged our troth' to each other seven years ago tomorrow and the law caught up with us two years later - but we could not get the 20th May as it was booked up, so went with the 19th so we can have a two day celebration!

We were going to go out walking with a picnic - but got visitors.

Then we thought we'd have lunch out instead but the eatery was full.

So, we went to Stainton Quarry (again) to walk the dogs. After a bit of moping I got my camera out and found this little fella wandering on a leaf.

She is truly amazing and I am so lucky to have her.

I had my first full council meeting tonight - which I will be reporting on my new blog if anyone fancies a look - I'll be updating it at the weekend.

Jane also had to work - at least until some idiotic little b******s threw eggs on the windscreen, which could have been serious if she were not such an experienced driver.

So, while the bug got a drink - I need one!

*Edit - I just realised he looks like one of the Clangers!

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