Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot

Dance, Dance, Dance

Today, I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of a couple who lives in my apartment complex. Several months ago, they had asked our complex's manager if she knew of a photographer they might call and, as it happened, I had just given my card to the manager a day or two earlier for just such an occurrence.

I tend to not like photographing weddings all that much. I don't like the expectations that people have and the pressure that comes with it. I also don't like expectations that can't be met when things run behind. And things always seem to run behind at weddings. Still... despite my aversion to weddings, I usually enjoy myself once they get started. This wedding was no different, and I really like the couple.

I was extremely gratified when towards the end of the evening, the bride's father told me that he'd just attended a wedding in which the photographer was a real jerk, and that he was extremely pleased with me. I suppose we can't hope for much more than that, eh?

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