Bit of a mystery
Walking back from college watched a small bird - probably a house sparrow fly across in front of me and seemingly through the wire fence next to the path to disappear into the bushes. When I got up to the point I looked to see if there was a hole in the fence that the bird had got through, but apparently not, and so the conclusion had to be that a flying bird had somehow managed to fly through the narrow holes in the wire mesh, barely pausing on the way. I remember seeing footage of a Sparrowhawk flying at speed between a very narrow gap between two tree branches, so maybe their prey is just as manoeuvrable.
Earlier on at college I'd been pretty disappointed at the behaviour of my fellow students in M's class. As well as the hand-in of of 'production diaries' for our Creative Collaborations, M was talking through the final hand-in - a short reflective essay but people kept chatting and texting while he was trying to speak. I know everyone likes to multi-task these days, but that just seemed so rude! Surely it's just common courtesy to shut up and listen. Same thing happens in meetings though. No one seems to give anyone their undivided attention. M seemed a little grumpy as a result, but can't say I blame him. Too many people seem to want education to be all about getting the bit of paper and doing what they need to get there (and ideally their teachers should tell them exactly what that is). M is about a different sort of learning, about learning for the sake of it, wanting to know more about the world because you want to, not because you need it to put a tick in a box. The sort of teaching that inspires and makes you want to go away and talk about it some more and look things up in books and on the internet.
In the evening went to the opening night of Comedy of Errors, yesterdays backblip. Show went very well, decent audience, lots of laughs. L very funny in her nun's habit! A couple of drinks afterwards in the pub with cast and friends. Also put up my FoH pics, and got some favourable comments, which is always nice.
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