Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734

Quiz Bowlin' At Boulan

First, regarding my injury, I've had shin splits for about three weeks, and yesterday during time trials I was finally past the breaking point. At some point, every stride and step began to hurt. I tried to jog it off in the morning, but each step still hurt, so I took myself out of regionals. I know it's not relevant to you when I say that I hate it when people question the severity of my injury, but I'm sure you would be just as frustrated as I am. Basically, I'm not running tomorrow because I don't want to jeapordize my overall well-being for one race that I have no chance in anyways. It's called cost-benefit analysis.

Sorry about that rant, just had to get it out of my system. Anyways, today we went to Boulan, my old middle school, to give a quiz bowl presentation. It was cool seeing the halls I used to walk through, the field I used to play football on, and the teachers I used to have. Quiz bowl and these friends I've made are more things I'll miss when I graduate in less than a month, but we're always reloading haha. The next two weekends will be exciting, with prom this weekend and quiz bowl Nationals in Atlanta the next!


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