Between Two Minds

By Roxie

Show me the Monet

Yes I did roll my eyes at the dreadful title for this x-factor styled art show (will they get the 2 yes votes they need to get through to the next round?) but actually I am quite enjoying it.

I dont know much about art really, I much prefer modern art to the classics - though I will tut at silly installations - but that's the great thing about art - it is all open to interpretation .

This is one of my favourite pictures - at the time there was a range of postcards in Ikea with wildly coloured block houses that I liked and this reminded me of them. And it was made my my eldest when she was 7 and has hung on my wall ever since - no mean feat as other than this, the kids art is limited to the kitchen and only a few bits at a time before it is binned while they are out carefully filed away.

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