
By MrsLambchop

Eggz from Da Hood

On my fourth (and penultimate) school run of the day, I realised I had taken NO photos all day. Yes, it's been that sort of day. The sort of day when I remember back through the haze to the days of two hour commutes, being In Charge of Important Things, lie-ins, long pub lunches, etc etc. While I am elbow deep in the bodily functions of small people, refereeing arguments over who has the most frozen peas, buying bananas so that I could take a photo of a monkey soft toy eating them, that level of brainache. Anyway, I stuck the camera out of the car window as I drove past the police station just for a Blip of the cranes.

Then my neighbour came round with some home grown eggs. So, here they are poop & all.

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