Til my next holiday...

By blippergirl

I hate packing...

.. and the night before the day before going on holiday!
Last night i was awake from 3am til about 5.30 with so much going through my mind. Mostly I was thinking of all the things to pack, the things, I needed to do at home, the last minute shopping, the checking of flights, passports, car hire infact the list is endless.It was made worse by the snoring beauty lying beside me. I tossed and turned tried reading, got up to make a hot chocolate' counted sheep etc
So today I've been firing on half cylinders, fitting hairdressers and beautitianss as well as pack and shop.
One long day. So warning to hubby, Big G MrsUnremarkable JibbaJabbe RichyT as tempers may be a little frayed and I might need to unwind for the first day or two of holiday
Other than that I'm really looking forward to a week away with family in the sun
meanwhile hubby goes merrily to work and comes home and hey presto everything is done and no2 son who isn't going comes home and as if by magic all his clothes are washed and the fridge is full of food!

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