Kaz's life

By Kazchi

The Perfect Rose

Is there a perfect rose. They come in all different shapes, sizes and colours so surly there is no perfect Rose. What's your opinion?

At Jilly's this afternoon with Khloe. Helped her put up an arch because her roses where blocking the front door.

It was my grans 90th birthday yesterday. She was surprised to get to that age. She has been saying for years "I might not be here next year". She hasn't changed one bit over the years. Still the same old bossy german lady. Even though she really annoys us 99% of the time we still love her very much.

It was my 50th blip yesterday too. I was so excited all day about posting but when I posted a blip I had completely forgot and didn't post my 50 seashells. Oops. Let's hope I don't forget when it comes to my 100th.

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