Gerda's Fotojournaal

By Gerda


I'm not such a city person. I love to be alone with my dog in nature.
But sometimes I have to because I have appointments in the city. Biking my way through the city I took some pictures. This square has two silvercoloured plates that move slowly in the sun. They are there as long as I live in this city. (32 years)
It is so sparkling. Behind the tree is one of my favorite bookstore. More than 6 floors books. In the basement floor is the childrens section. Because in the evening I would go babysit and wanted to take something for the baby.
And on monday I'm going to see a friend in the south of the netherlands with two suns of 3 and 1 year old. I choose some presents for them.

I wish all of you a very nice weekend.

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