Mandy's Snaps

By mandyarmstrong

This little piggy...

This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed at home
This little piggy ate all the roast beef
And this little piggy had none
And this little piggy went
Weeeeeeee...all the way home.

Woke up to glorious sunshine, and decided that today might just be the day to put my feet into sandals rather than trainers. Needless to say, by the time I'd painted my toenails and made my feet look decent enough for outside viewing, the sun had disappeared. Now I'm left with cold feet, and will be back in my trainers before long.

Other news today: Tristan finally gets a hair cut, and I will finally stock up the fridge with the weekly shop, so no more telling me you're hungry please. And this evening is the annual 'Awards Ceremony' for Elliot's football team.

I've got 2 loads of washing on the line, and no chance of getting it dry if the weather stays dull and dreary like it is at the moment. Grrr...

Still, it is THE WEEKEND after all...reason to be cheerful!

Oh, and if anyone is wondering what on earth that poem is all about; it's something we used to do with our toes when we were younger...does it still exist today, or is it just me that has traumatised 3 children with it?

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