Shunning the sun
A too late night with too much wine left me sluggish this morning and very much desirous of avoiding the sun. Early on the clouds saved me, but the rest of the day was hot and sunny. In the shade on the terrace, I finally finished the process of getting plants in proper pots, and planted the kids' sunflowers and some rocket.
A roast chicken dinner and an early night...
Earlier today a friend who's been through the 'starting English-speaking kids in a French school' thing already called and talked some sense into me about sticking to my guns on what I think is best. I just need my resolve to last until Monday... (See Thursday's backblip for why the pep talk was needed.)
Three moths were lurking around the terrace door this morning, looking as stunned by the day as I was. This one was easiest to photograph as I could do it lying down. Lying on the cool terrace tiles. Lovely.
Backblipped yesterday if you want to see what a daft bird I really am.
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