Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Not as easy as it looks

These are not very clear, as I was quite far away from this pelican. Due to the small lens, it was not until I downloaded the photos that I noticed it is a lot harder than it looks for the pelican to eat the crab it has caught. The crab was fighting to get free for a long time, as the pelican tried various maneuvers to ingest its prey. At one point the pelican went into the water and filled his pouch with water (I am guessing this is to try to drown the crab).

It is hard to see, but the crab was grabbing the pelican's beak and trying with all its might to escape. I am honestly not sure how this turned out, but I am guessing that the pelican got his dinner.

The gulls, ever at work looking for food, stood by in case the pelican might drop anything worth eating.

Funny, usually I cannot stand anything to be "hurt", but when I noticed what had been going on, it did not bother me in the least. It feels natural. (Yet, I am even more convinced I am most likely staying with a vegetarian diet.)

I am overwhelmed by yesterday's comments! I fell asleep last night in the middle of trying to do today's (yesterday's actually) I've not had a chance to respond.

Blipfoto rocks!!

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